Google Sheets

What's in the sheets?

As with most people of my generation, my first spreadsheet software was Microsoft Excel. However, I did not have much use for Excel beyond its arcane uses in the workplace.

Google Sheets came along quite some time later, but it was very basic in the beginning and I still did not have a use for it beyond what Excel could provide me.

This changed in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world and EVE Echoes came along. I used Google Sheets extensively to collaborate with other EVE Echoes players and made tools that helped save time when crunching numbers for the game. I was inspired by a fellow player who did wonders with their spreadsheets, and sought to make spreadsheets that could rival their work. As I do not know much about the Apps Script language, I focused on making spreadsheets that do not use any scripts (except for one).

When working with Excel at the workplace, the files often contained data and are made to display those same data in a way that's comprehensible and presentable. However, a database is never meant to display data in a meaningful way for the layperson. To me, data and presentation should be kept separate. As such, I started employing the technique of separating the sheets for a complex program into 3 sets of spreadsheets, depending on the nature of the program required: 1) data, 2) processor, 3) presentation.

I have listed some of the spreadsheets that I feel good enough to be shared with. Consider this my portfolio.